Vashon Home Tips, Hot Deals and Happenings
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The latest Vashon market stats
The market feels a bit like when your car battery is dying and you just keep cranking and cranking and hoping that the darn thing will start up. Any minute now...
Things are picking up a bit, but we still have nowhere near the activity we had last year. From January to April of 2007, we had 36 houses close after being on the market an average of 94 days. This year, average prices are down, and days on market are up. We've had 24 closings (that's two thirds - I can do that math without my calculator) at an average of $459K, after 135 days on market. Months in inventory is still quite high in some price points. To check out the latest, go to our website, then click on Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics to see the April report.
Labels: Tips, Vashon Coupons, Vashon Island Market Stats, Vashon Island Real Estate, Vashon News
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